Doug Eason
General Counsel
Since 1994, Doug Eason has provided legal expertise for all of FFN’s loan sales. His tenure in the loan sale industry is unparalleled having practiced law focused on loan sales, banking and lending for nearly thirty years. Doug drafts and negotiates loan sale legal contracts based on regulatory and jurisdictional requirements, as well as oversees contract fulfillment.
Doug manages loan sale legal strategies, investor vetting guidelines as well as due diligence protocols. Doug also monitors FFN’s corporate activities to ensure consistent compliance with all relevant local, state, national and international law.
Doug supervises loan sale closings, including negotiating legal documentation between FFN’s clients and loan buyers. Additionally, he oversees closing and post-closing procedures to comply with the terms of the legal documents and clients’ internal processes.
Doug received his Juris Doctor in 1976 from Southern Methodist University.